What a way to start the new year!
First stop - Lembah Anai Water Falls, on the way to Bukittinggi
Fresh crystal clear spring water.
Road side stall
Adin not too keen to be out of the car
Lembah Anai water fall seen from the car park.
Next stop, Minangkabau museum.In front of Rumah Gadang
Looking out the window...
Songket weaving at Pandai Sikek, where at least one maiden in a household will inherit the art of songket weaving.
Jam Gadang - the landmark of Bukittinggi, aside from Pasar Atas...
At breakfast on Day 2 Ready for the another day of discovery...
Adin being coaxed out of the car by Bpk Sharil, our tour guide.
Adin enjoying the view of Danau Maninjau... the third largest volvanic lake crater in Indonesia.
Family time.
Lake Maninjau
Next stop Ngarai Sianok or Sianok Canyon, in Bukittinggi, one kilometer away from the hotel.
Another Rumah Gadang
Ever seen crooked coconut tree?
Pantai Air Manis - home of the famous Malim Kundang stone statue.
This trip to Indonesia has been an eye opener, as it was a totally different experience from numerous other Indonesian visits.
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